Saturday, January 24, 2009

Using Skype in the Classroom: Open Call for Educators Using Skype

My high school wants to step into the 21st century and desires to contact other schools around Louisiana, around the United States and around the world who use or are interested in using Skype. Therefore, I am issuing an open call for other Skype users.

I am open to any and all suggestions for its use but my initial interests include the following courses at my high school:

  • English

  • Spanish

  • French

  • World History

  • Creative Writing

  • Art

  • Theater

If you are an administrator or a teacher interested in building a community of learners by using Skype in the classroom, please leave me a comment with contact info or send an email to nathan.barber @ (delete space before and after @). I look forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

Kelly Hines said...

Have you seen It is an open wiki where classroom Skype users can connect with others who are interested in building collaborative relationships with others around the world. My 4th graders were Skyping with a class in St. Louis and a pre-service teacher in Saskatchewan just this week! There's nothing like it :)